Menu Blue Jeans to Black Tie Auction ZAP Saturday Tasting
been a big fan of Zinfandel for almost 25 years now, and I don’t see
that changing any time soon, so I have an appreciation for the great
work that ZAP does for the preservation and recognition of the varietal
as America’s heritage wine. And, from what I tasted and heard
from those whose opinions I respect, the future looks bright for Zin
lovers everywhere. Kudos and thanks go to ZAP
Executive Director Rebecca Robinson, not only for keeping
this organization and festival running so smoothly, but also for making
this reporter feel so welcome and at home. Thanks also to Amy
Hanshaw and Julie Ann Kodmur
for their help with making arrangements for our coverage Special thanks also to Allan
Bree, Pamela Mallet and David
Wright for putting up with me, not to mention putting me up
and getting me to and from the airport. And last, but by no means
least, thanks to my dear wife Kim, Madame
l’Pour herself, who said, ”Why don’t YOU go and cover
ZAP for us this year, honey?” I think she had a pretty good
© George Heritier
February 2003