The drugs started to take hold somewhere over Barstow.
The Director and this taster stayed up until the wee hours of the morning drinking
heavily; Silex, Caymoose, Mr. Ridge...
Fortunately, Dolphin Girl had the good sense to turn in early, or we'd never have
made our flight.
Unfortunately, this taster made the mistake of ordering a Dinglenook Ruddy Chablis
to wash down the cardboard that is passed off as food on most airlines. A fistful of
Benadryl and Tylenol 3 arrested the vomiting and moaning just as The Director was about to
deliver a forearm shiver upside my head.
The last thing I remember was a giant root louse crawling down the aisle towards
me. I screamed, then it all went black.
Day 1 of our vacation was a total wash-out. I woke up this morning in the kennel
with Bree's attack Dobermans, who kept their distance, eyeing me suspiciously and growling
softly. My clothes had to be incinerated because of my mess, not theirs.
Bree himself is sullen and uncommunicative. I neglected to bring him the cache
of '96 Rodent Ridge Puxatawny Muskrat Rouge that I promised him, and he's not a happy
camper. Sue was somewhat sympathetic, however, and showed me to the computer, where I just
located some of the same wine on the Collecting Board, IN THE SOUTH BAY AREA!!!
Off to try to score this and make my amends to our host. Then
on to visit Milan.
More later,